Keeping the Fire Burning

Twelve months ago I had the honour, as CEO of Synergy Group, to launch our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and later that year to champion the Yes vote in the Voice to Parliament referendum. With the failure of the referendum I began to ask myself about what “I” was doing and whether I was really committed to Indigenous reconciliation as I said I was in our RAP.
But what was I doing?
In the months since our RAP was launched, Synergy Group has been working diligently to build its commitment to 3% of our corporate spend with Indigenous companies and suppliers.
And Synergy Group has entered into a three year corporate sponsorship of the Indigenous Marathon Foundation (IMF). The IMF was founded by Rob De Castella to use running to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures, strength, and achievements and to empower inspirational Indigenous leaders. Each year they train and take 12 Indigenous participants to the New York marathon, building a renewed sense of empowerment, purpose and pride while also undertaking a compulsory health and Indigenous leadership education program.
I was so impressed as I got to know more about the work of the IMF. And so I decided that I personally could contribute more to reconciliation in Australia by supporting the IMF rather than trying to do something by myself.
Having been involved with running charities in the past I fully understand the importance of having recurring, independent income streams to ensure financial stability and allow charities to work in areas not supported by government funding. I’ve participated in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout for a number of years which raises millions of dollars each year, and thinking about that, and my focus with IMF, I came up with this crazy idea!
What if we established a CEO Run for Reconciliation fundraiser where we challenged CEOs on their commitment to reconciliation as well as develop that much needed independent income stream. So here’s how it works:
- We enlist CEOs or other true leaders of industry and the community and challenge them on their commitment to reconciliation
- Request applications to participate in the Program based upon an individual CEO’s “why” with a limited number of CEO applicants to be accepted in each geographical area
- CEO’s to personally commit / underwrite to raise $50,000 and
- Commit to running a marathon.
Easy hey? Absolutely not and therein lies the crux of the idea. The plight of our Indigenous population over the past 200 hundred years has been horrendous and the efforts over the past decades are still failing to close the gap on socio-economic disadvantage of 3% of the Australian population. Solving this problem is not easy, so this fundraising project shouldn’t be either.
The objectives of the program are to:
- Raise awareness of Indigenous reconciliation issues
- Promote the need for each of us, individually, to do our bit
- Raise awareness of the IMF
- Build an ongoing income stream to support IMF Programs
- Build a program that is sustainable over the long term and has national application
- Contribute to the RAP objectives and Health and Welfare Programs of each participating CEO’s organisation
With this year’s NAIDOC week theme being Keeping the Fire Burning it was fitting to use this time to launch the CEO Run for Reconciliation Program. As patient zero I will be doing my bit and making the personal commitment to the IMF to raise $50,000 and run a marathon within the next 12 months.
I will also be out recruiting other CEOs and supporters to help with the aim of getting 10 CEOs a year here in Canberra to join in. That’s a $0.5m annual funding stream for the IMF and then we can look at taking it nationally next year.
If you would like to donate to my causes you can do so at IMF Fundraising - Running to Raise funds | CEO Run for Reconciliation.
I have been in training for a few months which has included some training with my family and Synergy Group colleagues and tackling the Canberra half marathon back in March. I also had the pleasure of meeting the 2024 IMP squad going to New York when they were in Canberra for the 10KM Mothers Day Classic.
My next leg up will be the Alice Springs Marathon on 27 September where I will again be running with the IMP squad as they attempt their first 30Km event.
I will be providing regular posts on my progress as well as my fundraising efforts and please get in touch at if you would like to get involved.
Rob Kennedy
Keeping the Fire Burning