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Big enough to deliver results, yet agile and innovative. A breadth of talent and knowledge mixed with methodologies specific to your situation. We provide real impact.

Building a human-centred trust framework for emerging technology adoption

Change as a result of digital transformation programs challenges the current trust of consumers and leads to uncertainty and disruption. Is there a way to build trust by maintaining consistency whilst embracing change? 

Submarines - Constraints and Opportunities

The key to understanding complex capability problems lies in appreciating the interdependencies between the vast chain of inputs that are fundamental to the development, production, and introduction into service of modern advanced platforms.
Case Study

Hybrid Life Survival Guide

We're not our best self, when we're every self. Our Creative X people have created a hybrid life survival guide containing the tools and tricks you need to find balance amongst the chaos.

Chained Reactions: The shockwaves of Russia's illegal invasion

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is having significant impacts on global supply chains and procurement, including those in Australia. As one of the world's leading exporters of natural resources and a significant importer of goods and services, Australia is not immune to the effects of the conflict. We feel this through inflation that is proving to be difficult to control, at the bowser and in our every-day goods. In this article, I would like to explore some of the impacts of the conflict on Australia's supply chain and procurement activities, both current and ongoing.
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SOCI 2018: Navigating your way through a Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Program (CIRMP)

As of 17th February 2023, all entities meeting the criteria of critical infrastructure under the amended SOCI Act 2018 are required to adopt a written CIRMP with a deadline of 6 months. This CIRMP will assist entities to remove, reduce or minimise hazards from impacting their critical infrastructure assets. Furthermore, within another 12 months entities must comply with their CIRMP.
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There is nothing to fear when Procurement & Correct Management is done well: Insights from the ANAO

Making the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) or the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) the procurement 'bogeyman' is not the answer to push for better procurement practices. Applying best practices to procurement, applying an ethical lense, declaring conflicts of interest, engaging in appropriate conduct and following agency procedures is!
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