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Big enough to deliver results, yet agile and innovative. A breadth of talent and knowledge mixed with methodologies specific to your situation. We provide real impact.

Building a human-centred trust framework for emerging technology adoption

Change as a result of digital transformation programs challenges the current trust of consumers and leads to uncertainty and disruption. Is there a way to build trust by maintaining consistency whilst embracing change? 

Submarines - Constraints and Opportunities

The key to understanding complex capability problems lies in appreciating the interdependencies between the vast chain of inputs that are fundamental to the development, production, and introduction into service of modern advanced platforms.
Case Study

Hybrid Life Survival Guide

We're not our best self, when we're every self. Our Creative X people have created a hybrid life survival guide containing the tools and tricks you need to find balance amongst the chaos.

The privacy reforms' 'fair-and-reasonable' principle - What's that got to do with FOIs?

Fair-and-reasonable (FAR). That's the standard, the test for organisations handling personal information (PI) under the proposed privacy reforms. The FAR principle is also found in the 'Objects' section of the FOI Act at Section 3(4), outlining that FOI functions "are to be performed and exercised, as far as possible, to facilitate and promote public access to information, promptly and at the lowest reasonable cost."
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Defence Industry and net assessment: How much is enough?

In a 1979 interview with Ray Bradbury, the acclaimed science-fiction author lamented that he was often asked to play the role of futurist: "People ask me to predict the future when all I want to do is prevent it. Better yet, build it. Predicting the future is much too easy, anyway. You look at the people around you, the street you stand on, the visible air you breathe, and predict more of the same. To hell with more. I want better."
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5 Take-Aways on privacy reform that you must know now

The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) opened its 2023 ANZ Summit in Sydney on 28 November with a keynote address from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) who is also the Privacy Commissioner - Angelene Falk. Commissioner Falk sang from a familiar hymn sheet with a simple message about accountability - that organisations need to embed strong privacy practices, to make it a core part of their DNA. And if they haven't invested in privacy yet, they need to start now - and to speak to boards, executives and management in earnest about funding their privacy programs. And why, you ask?
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The Unsung Hero of Procurement

Imagine a world where every procurement process is smooth, clear and devoid of any last-minute surprises. No, you don't need to write to Santa to wish for this not so distant utopia; it's achievable by understanding and mastering the craft of developing a Statement of Requirements (SoR). The SoR is an essential artifact in the procurement process. It is the fundamental centrepiece to contract formation and plays a pivotal role in achieving successful business outcomes.
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