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Big enough to deliver results, yet agile and innovative. A breadth of talent and knowledge mixed with methodologies specific to your situation. We provide real impact.

Building a human-centred trust framework for emerging technology adoption

Change as a result of digital transformation programs challenges the current trust of consumers and leads to uncertainty and disruption. Is there a way to build trust by maintaining consistency whilst embracing change? 

Submarines - Constraints and Opportunities

The key to understanding complex capability problems lies in appreciating the interdependencies between the vast chain of inputs that are fundamental to the development, production, and introduction into service of modern advanced platforms.
Case Study

Hybrid Life Survival Guide

We're not our best self, when we're every self. Our Creative X people have created a hybrid life survival guide containing the tools and tricks you need to find balance amongst the chaos.

"Performance Data" and the Legal Gymnastics

Data Governance in sport is a bit like the Wild West, where entrepreneurs sign 'prospects' up to contracts that are light on detail - and tend to be even lighter on legalities. And I'm a case in point.  One sporting contract I signed gave me very little ability to negotiate or amend the terms, but it gave the other party virtually unlimited rights to record collect, transmit, measure, use, modify, and alter any information related to my training and race data. This included, but was not limited to heart rate, calorie intake, power output, velocity, cadence, and location data. In the sporting world, this is referred to as "performance data".
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The power of positive leadership in procurement

Ah procurement! The term often strikes fear into the hearts of every (or at least most) public servant. Adding to these fears are perceptions of complex regulatory and policy frameworks as well as the certainty of an audit. As discussed in previous articles, procurement isn't done well, in general in the APS (or in State/Territory Governments for that matter). However, it doesn't have to be this way - and (most) public servants need not 'live in fear' of procurement. In fact, the opposite should be true - they should embrace procurement, banish the fears and develop a positive approach to procurement and contracting.
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