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Big enough to deliver results, yet agile and innovative. A breadth of talent and knowledge mixed with methodologies specific to your situation. We provide real impact.

Building a human-centred trust framework for emerging technology adoption

Change as a result of digital transformation programs challenges the current trust of consumers and leads to uncertainty and disruption. Is there a way to build trust by maintaining consistency whilst embracing change? 

Submarines - Constraints and Opportunities

The key to understanding complex capability problems lies in appreciating the interdependencies between the vast chain of inputs that are fundamental to the development, production, and introduction into service of modern advanced platforms.
Case Study

Hybrid Life Survival Guide

We're not our best self, when we're every self. Our Creative X people have created a hybrid life survival guide containing the tools and tricks you need to find balance amongst the chaos.

Why you can’t be certain with confidence – in FOI matters?

When applying the law, uncertainty is the last thing you want. If your task is the application of complex rules to unique circumstances and you’re looking for as much assistance as you can to do that, you don’t want to be met with a shrug. It’s no different when it comes to Freedom of Information (FOI) – so it should be a welcome relief that when you search through the FOI Guidelines, you’ll see the word ‘uncertain’ rarely appears in the FOI Guidelines – and one instance concerns the ‘Materials-obtained-in-confidence’ exemption under the FOI Act
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The Crucial Role of High-Performance Teams in Consulting Project Management

In the dynamic realm of project management, success can hinge on the intricate interplay between the individuals on a project team. Projects are propelled to fruition through an effective fusion of personalities, skills, and attitudes, enabling teams to navigate ambiguity and complexity to achieve quality outcomes. At Synergy Group, we fine tune our teams to meet the specific requirements of our clients, to ensure project success.
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eBook: The force multiplier effect of converging exponential technologies

We can identify exponential technology as technologies that double, or deliver an exponential increase, in performance or speed each year. In the past few years, we have seen many emerging technologies (some of which also fit into the category of exponential technology) make strides in the corporate world in an effort to improve business performance, customer service and more. But what happens when a group of these exponential technologies come together?
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Navigating new ground with AI: Supporting health in the military

There is no shortage of opportunities for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Still, we need to stop thinking of them only as tools for automation, operational uplifts and efficiency gain. There are opportunities that extend beyond the day-to-day, explore new ground, and open up areas that are not obvious, yet deliver significant value and benefit. These opportunities can be found in almost every industry, and by way of example, there have been exciting advances in AI and ML supporting mental health in the military.
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Frivolous & Vexatious find a new friend (Unreasonable) through Australia's privacy reforms

First published in the LexisNexis Privacy Law Bulletin issue 2024 20(10), the article was (less whimsically) entitled "Expansion of Data-Subject-Access-Request (DSAR) Rights Under the Privacy Reforms." The article examines how lawyers and privacy practitioners may be able to rely on a concept from Freedom-of-Information (FOI) law (unreasonableness) to guide them in advising on practical strategies to manage expanded DSAR rights under Australia's privacy reforms.
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