Synergy Law

Supporting Government to become 'future ready', partnering with clients to achieve legally defensible outcomes.
By leaning into complex and challenging issues, we can find options and solutions to support legally defensible outcomes and provide confidence for the commonwealth.

Synergy Law is a Synergy Group integrated legal offering, specialising in Government law and legal advisory services. Synergy Law as a capability, and an added service line, enables Synergy Group to provide clients integrated end to end advisory services and solutions which are legally assured and defensible. Synergy Law also provides Synergy Group the additional capability to look at ways to ‘lean into’ future legal issues such as: cyber security, ICT and infrastructure security, emerging energy resources, climate law, supply chain management, data sharing and information law, to support Government operations becoming ‘future ready’.

Synergy Law not only provides an integrated legal service but added depth of experience through having worked in, and for, Government on complex legal, policy and program matters. We know our market, we know our clients, we understand what you need. We will lean in, work beside you, and help you achieve your outcomes.

Meet the team

From start to finish we listen and seek to understand and deliver impact, together, in partnership.

How we think

With views on what matter and knowledge to share. We pride ourselves in collaborating. Get to know us better.

Behind the Climate Curve - Will we get ahead of it?

Corporate interest in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) space is nothing new – it’s been well documented for over a decade now. Methods to embed corporate environmental responsibility and transparency are increasingly being built into company objects and directors’ duties. Both shareholders and the public demand broader and deeper reporting on corporate environmental decisions and their impact, pressing executives to mitigate the ecological and economic risks posed by climate change.
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The Business of Law

Although the policies and programs of Budget 2022-23 will not be known until Tuesday night, the direction of the Government is well established. A combined $1.3 billion worth of spending cuts were promised during the election, with the PBO Report outlining that $500 million worth of savings would be found from cutting expenditure on external labour for hire and consultants. Given internal legal budgets will not be expanded, we must ask ourselves, how can we find uplift?
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