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With views on what matters and knowledge to share - get to know us better
Big enough to deliver results, yet agile and innovative. A breadth of talent and knowledge mixed with methodologies specific to your situation. We provide real impact.

Building a human-centred trust framework for emerging technology adoption

Change as a result of digital transformation programs challenges the current trust of consumers and leads to uncertainty and disruption. Is there a way to build trust by maintaining consistency whilst embracing change? 

Submarines - Constraints and Opportunities

The key to understanding complex capability problems lies in appreciating the interdependencies between the vast chain of inputs that are fundamental to the development, production, and introduction into service of modern advanced platforms.
Case Study

Hybrid Life Survival Guide

We're not our best self, when we're every self. Our Creative X people have created a hybrid life survival guide containing the tools and tricks you need to find balance amongst the chaos.

The Commonwealth’s Revised Procurement Rules – What does it mean for me?

Those of us in the procurement and contract management space will be well aware that a new version of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) will take effect from 1 July 2024. Released just over a year after the latest CPR revamp, you might ask – why is another version of the CPRs necessary? The answer can be found in what is currently happening in both the public sector and private industry, along with a focus on protocols to mitigate and control for fraud and corruption.
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Ready Set Go - New IC Review Directions

If you missed our last update on the Information Commissioner (IC) FOI Review Procedures – too late, they’re now in force! Jokes aside, the IC’s Review Procedures went live on 1 July 2024. Considering that the starting gun’s been fired, it’s going to be ready, set and go for Commonwealth Freedom of Information (FOI) teams to get on board with the IC’s efforts to streamline and speed-up their FOI Review protocols.
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New OAIC Directions signal a new direction in FOI reviews

In May 2024, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) released new Information Commissioner (IC) Review Procedure Directions aimed at Commonwealth Government agencies. The IC Direction will require agencies to more actively engage with FOI applicants – and prove that they undertook searches for documents. Taking effect in July 2024, the new IC Directions are part of the OAIC’s commitment to ‘delivering a timely IC review process, informed by the principles of informality, responsiveness and proportionality’.
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